3D Hologram Attraction
In collaboration with the Pink Palace Museum, led a group to build a reflective multi-plane hologram illusion to entertain and educate Guests.
In collaboration with the Pink Palace Museum, led a group to build a reflective multi-plane hologram illusion to entertain and educate Guests.
Django application which presents clues to participants as they scan QR codes and NFC tags.
I scanned the RSSI levels throughout my house using an ESP8266 and the FIND3 framework, then built a Flutter app to display the location.
Epic immersive experience featuring Python control, a custom iOS app, MQTT triggered videos and lighting, and a realtime leaderboard.
Augmented reality mask which reveals a code when correctly overlayed with the scrambled numbers.
Object-oriented Processing sketch for low-latency triggering of videos via MQTT.
Old landline phone adapted to deliver morse code clues upon correct passcode entry.
Built with Arduino, BLE, and DMX lighting.